Reverse osmosis water filters are extremely popular with consumers today. Reverse osmosis water filters are a high-end water purification system that uses a semi-permeable membrane in order to remove larger particles, impurities, and minerals from water. The filter works by forcing water through a semi-porous membrane that has no pores to allow dissolved solids to pass through. This technology is very efficient and over the years has gotten a lot more affordable. In this article we will talk about reverse osmosis systems and at the end of the article a recommendation will be made for an excellent company that sells these types of water systems and more.
It may surprise you to know that you can have the health benefits of drinking clean water without having to use the systems that are typically used for the purification process. These systems will remove lead cost you a lot more money than the reverse osmosis systems do, and they will not get rid of all of the impurities that are in your water. They can be effective though, and if you are concerned about what is in your drinking water, then these systems may be for you.
Water filters do work by filtering out impurities and other things that are in your water. This means that you will be able to use these filters on all of the water you use for drinking, cooking, and cleaning. These systems may also have a carbon filter in them which will remove any harmful or toxic chemicals from the water that you use. This is also great for you and your family because you will be able to drink purified water without worrying about anything bad happening to your body. Remember though, not all water purification systems are created equal. These are just general guidelines about water systems, and it is important to get the facts from the company which you purchase your system from.
Reverse Osmosis water has been reported by many users to taste better. By removing most all of the chemicals and debris from water, everyone knows that fresh and clean water tastes so much better. If the city water is high in any harmful chemicals or is impure, reverse osmosis systems are a must! You do not want your family drinking impurities and chemicals like arsenic. Also, in some city’s water supplies they can contain remnants of medications and illegal drugs. No one wants to risk that for their loved ones. Reverse osmosis systems use low amounts of energy. They are very efficient to use and they are space saving and expandable. You can also same so much money compared to drinking bottled water!
Reverse osmosis systems have a few disadvantages as well. The system is designed to take out the most harmful impurities in your water, but it does not remove the beneficial minerals that are naturally present in water. These minerals are not removed because the purification process strips them out through the pores of the filter.
One disadvantage of the reverse osmosis system is that it removes the healthy minerals in the water as well. These minerals are necessary for your body to function properly. If you do not eat enough fruits and vegetables, you will not be getting enough vitamins and other essential nutrients that your body needs. In the past reverse osmosis systems were awfully expensive, but over the years they have gotten a lot more affordable. Unwanted contaminants can be taken out of your water like lead, nitrites, nitrates, and dissolved solids. Overall, though, reverse osmosis systems do an excellent job of purifying water.
Premier – A Watts Brand sells a range of water filtration systems ranging from reverse osmosis, under counter filtration and whole house filter systems. These products are designed to remove up to 99% of contaminants from drinking water. Things such as lead, cysts, fluoride, arsenic, copper, chromium and much more. Some of them even remove what is call Volatile Organic Chemicals (VOC's) such as herbicides, pesticides, oil, medicines and more. Visit the Premier website today at To see their complete product line. Also, feel free to give them a call at (800) 752-5582.
Another line of products is Premier’s ultraviolet filtration used for removing bacteria from water as well as other contaminants. They also carry hot water recirculating pumps. This system works on tanked water heaters and gives you hot water instantly right at the tap. This way you do not waste time or money waiting for hot water. When you open the faucet, it is there instantly.
Premier also carries anti-scale, salt free, water softeners and filtration. Bob Vila just endorsed their OneFlow+ as his top pick for salt-free water softeners. These systems remove built up scale from the pipes and fixtures in your home and keep new scale from building up. They are great for locations with hard water. See the Bob Vila article here